Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A website I enjoy

A website I enjoy is Kitten war. Here they show you pictures of two kittens, and you have to vote for one of them. I found this website in the links of another website I really like called “uncyclopedia”. The link to kitten war was in an article titled “kitten huffing”.
The main reason I like this website is because you can find lots of pictures of cute cats there.
Another thing I like about this website is that you can upload pictures of your own cats to make them compete with other cats around the world. I have already uploaded 4 pictures of my cats. Nao and Chubi are my “winningest kittens”. Following them is Gabriela. And finally is Achu who is no longer my cat since he is a loser (he has won just 36% of his battles).
I usually visit this website twice a week or more just to see how my cats are performing.

Here I leave the link to kitten war
Also, if you want to know about kitten huffing, here I leave this other link


Don Seba said...

my dog was a loser too... i thought that he was cute but i was so wrong.

good luck!

Miss said...

Dear Gaspar,
well done! a couple of questions do you know how many animals compete in this?? how did you find it?
one thing you missed a subject in one of your sentences, can you guess?

i give you a 7

Miss said...

well done!! pure knut!
have you checked this newspaper before??nothing i can really say about language only that
you used very well the connectors. However, try to use a wider range of them..

ps do you now the difference between mascot and pet??